Teaching &
Our Teaching
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Department Strategy
Public education is for every child and young person in every community across our state. Educators and staff work in partnership with families and communities to nurture, develop and empower all South Australian children and young people with the knowledge, skills and capabilities they need to become fulfilled individuals, active, compassionate citizens and lifelong learners

The Australian School Curriculum has been designed to promote successful learning. It aims to nurture confident and creative individuals who develop into active and informed citizens.
The Australian Curriculum incorporates eight areas of academic learning:
Health and Physical Education
Humanities and Social Sciences
The Arts
Technologies and Languages
Academic subjects within the curriculum are rounded out by seven general capabilities:
Information and Communication Technology Capability
Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal and Social Capability
Ethical Understanding
Intercultural Understanding
These general capabilities provide interconnected knowledge, skills, and behaviours that can be applied across any subject-based content. This equips students with the ability to become confident, lifelong learners in a complex, information-rich, globalised world.
Wellbeing and Engagement
We know that there is a strong connection between wellbeing and learning and when the students at our school have positive wellbeing, they are both engaged and successful. We are committed to providing a child safe and child-friendly environment, where children and young people are safe and feel safe and can actively participate in learning and decisions that affect their lives. At Pooraka Primary School, we strive to ensure our students experience a sense of belonging and feel connected to the school community.
Promoting positive family-school partnerships is of foremost importance to us. We value and strive for a meaningful partnership between school and home to provide consistency and ensure we build a shared understanding of a student’s strengths, abilities, and wellbeing.
Wellbeing and resilience learning is provided at each year level and is focused on meeting the evolving needs of young people. Through explicit lessons and opportunities, based on PERMA Wellbeing and Resilience Skills, Restorative Practices, and a commitment to Personal Responsibility we take a proactive approach to wellbeing and engagement for all students. We understand that building quality relationships is crucial and creates opportunities for students to develop self-worth, confidence, resilience, and responsibility. Our staff also incorporate the Wellbeing for Learning and Life Framework to build resilience and wellbeing in our young people.

Child Protection Curriculum
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS: CPC) is a respectful relationships and child safety curriculum for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to:
- recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it
- understand what appropriate and inappropriate touching is
- understand ways of keeping themselves safe.
The KS: CPC is mandated in all public preschools and schools and is taught every year by teachers who have completed a full day KS: CPC training course. It is a world-class, evidence-based child safety program that is used by a range of other Australian and international schools.