Principal’s Welcome
Welcome to Pooraka Primary – a small R-6 school situated in the northern suburbs of Adelaide. Our school community of approximately 180 students brings a rich diversity of many cultures and languages of families from a range of countries all over the world. Pooraka Primary School has a rich heritage, and first opened on the 14th April 1914, formerly known as the Abattoirs School.
The school has developed strong links to all areas of the community, including the local Unity Park, nearby tennis club and our local kindergarten and childcare centre.
Our approach at Pooraka Primary School is to ensure both staff and students are thriving learners. We pride ourselves in how we support small groups and individual students to ensure they have the well-being and academic support they need to thrive.
Our beautiful, extensive grounds and site, houses a range of nature play equipment and kitchen gardens, specifically designed to develop, creative and critical thinkers that learn through play and problem solving.
As Principal of Pooraka Primary, it would be my absolute pleasure to share our school with prospective families and students. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or would like to organise a tour.
Michelle Parkes
Who We Are
Pooraka Primary School is a government category 3 school (lower socio-economic) located in the northern suburbs of Adelaide.
The school has a population of approximately 200 students R – 6 in 8 classrooms across two main buildings. The site also has a hall on site and the original 100 year old school building which are used for specialist teaching subjects.
The school has strong links to the community with the local Unity Park, nearby tennis club and our local kindergarten and childcare centre.
The school has a Vietnamese language maintenance program and many students enter the school upon exiting intensive English language programs at nearby sites.
Meet our Staff

Classroom Teachers
Area 1 – Foundation / Year 1 – Janeice Chiera
Area 2 – Foundation – Liana Huppatz
Area 4 – Year 1 / 2 – Jenelle Lewis (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) – Chiara Monopli (Wednesday)
Area 5 – Year 2 / 3 – Katie Mays (Mon, Tues, Wed) – Chiara Monopli (Thurs, Fri)
Rm 2 – Year 3 / 4 – Megan Becker
Rm 4 – Year 4 – Jason Chigwidden (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri) – Elena Larice ( Wednesday)
Rm 9 – Year 5 / 6 – Stewart Andrews
Rm 10 – Year 5 / 6 – Sally Clarke
Specialist Teachers
Kym Stocker – P.E (Monday, Tuesday)
Chiara Monopoli – Science (Monday, Tuesday)
Elena Larice – Italian (Tuesday and Friday)
Nhan Chau – Vietnamese. Performing Arts (Friday)
Belinda Kinsella – Student Engagement & Wellbeing (Wednesday and Friday), Performing Arts (Thursday )
School Support Officers
Verlaine Dannenberg – Business Manager
Ann Saltmarsh – Administration Officer
Dimity Sandford – Student support
Danni Gaul – Student support / Library
Solmaz Klunyk – Student support
Lisa Emrose – Student support
Tania Emrose-Starr – Student support
Kate White – Student support
Luisa Romeo – Student support
Hamish Milne – Grounds
Julie-Anne Maftei-Muirson – Student support
Michelle Hoepfl – Student support
Sarah James – ACEO – Thursday a.m / Friday
Bilingual School Support Officers
Farid Drokhshan – Dari, Persian, Farsi – Tuesday a.m
Meenu Aiden – Gujariti, Punjabi, Urdu – Tuesday
Happy Haven OSHC Pooraka
What We Stand For
At Pooraka we have a strong culture of connecting with our families and local community. Each year we have school and community events to promote the school. Our annual end of year concert and Book Week Parade are well loved by the community.
Parents are also encouraged to become directly involved in the school and their children’s education in various ways – classroom help with reading, excursions, local walks etc. There are also opportunities for parents to be on Governing Council and the various committees that Governing Council manages.