
Focus Areas

General Information

The Learning Support Team is a group of teachers and Student Support Officers (SSO’s) who provide additional support to students R-7. Special Education, English as a Second Language, Aboriginal Education, First Language Maintenance and Development and Early Intervention form the foundation of programs that support learning improvement. Members of the Learning Support Team connect with class teachers throughout the year to plan for individuals and groups of students. Some of our special programs include support with social skills, co-ordination, literacy and numeracy development, cultural identity, first language and student well being.

Some of our students benefit from specialised support to fully develop their learning potential. Identified students from R-7 are supported by class teachers, SSO’s and outside agencies. These include:

  • speech development
  • co-ordination programs that target gross motor skills
  • social skills programs
  • literacy and numeracy programs
  • hearing support

Depending on the needs the support can be for an extended period of time or for a short time to target a particular area of growth.

Physical Education

Physical Education is a vitally important component of student development and wellbeing. It offers opportunities for personal growth in social interactions, group dynamics, comprehension of rules, sportsmanship and empathy as well as promoting lifelong healthy habits. A wide range of sports and activities are covered, all with an emphasis on maximising inclusive participation, allowing everyone to have equal opportunity and engagement.

Our PE program incorporates some clinics from sporting organisations throughout the year such as cricket, football, table tennis and rugby. These clinics provide students with an insight into how sporting clubs in our local are run as well as information about how to join a program outside of school. Local clubs will also offer after school Auskick and Cricket blast sessions.

Music lessons are a time when students are encouraged to express their creativity as well as build on and improve their listening skills. These specialist lessons include other aspects of The Arts curriclum for example dance and drama.

Small group instrumental lessons are offered each year to interested students at a cost. Please contact the school for more information.


Pooraka has a specialist library teacher who works with teachers and classes for two terms each year. The lessons focus on research and literacy skills and are linked to the learning students are engaging in during their classroom lessons.

Each week classes acces the library for borrowing of independent readers and for shared stories with their class.

Resource Centre Pamphlet.pdf

Digital Technologies
We have a Learning Technologies Coordinator to support with technical and curriculum needs across the school. There is a computer room in the main building for whole class teaching. A roster for the room is organised at the beginning of each school year.

There are also smaller computer rooms in the library for teachers and small groups of students to use. The school has a strong commitment to Cyber Safety. Students learn about appropriate use of computers and the internet both in and out of school. The Learning Technologies Coordinator works with classes on the development of learning technology skills. Each learning space also has an interactive white board and a set of 6 iPads for use in the classroom.

The school has a Facebook page which is managed and monitored by the Learning Technologies Coordinator. This is a great way to keep in touch with school and classroom events and achievements.

Families can also use our Seesaw to receive news and notices from the school.

First Language Maintenance
For many of our students the Vietnamese language is used extensively at home and is an important part of staying connected to the Vietnamese culture.

Our First Language Maintenance and Development teacher:

  • Establishes and maintains effective communication with Vietnamese parents.
  • Works with students to value and further develop their Vietnamese speaking skills through regular lessons
  • Connects with the school community to recognise and value aspects of Vietnamese culture.

Our Vietnamese students are also supported by our Bilingual Student Support Officer.

Pooraka Primary School is also the venue for Vietnamese Community School on Saturdays.