
For Parents

Information is provided here regarding school procedures. If you have any specific questions, its best to contact our front office staff. They have a wealth of knowledge about our school and who the best person to help is.

General Information

In the event of a child being ill at school or involved in an accident, the school will follow these procedures:

  • Minor ailments are treated and students monitored in the First Aid Area in the front office. All treatments are recorded by staff administering.
  • Serious ailments or injuries – the school will contact the family to pick up the child from school. The emergency contact could be a relative or friend to be contacted when the family cannot be reached.
  • Extreme ailments and injuries will be referred to an ambulance for assessment and possibly to hospital for treatment.
    It is important that emergency contacts and phone numbers as well as family phone numbers are kept up to date in case of emergency.

Students requiring medication during shcool hours need to have a health care plan completed and signed by a doctor. No other medication can be administered by the school. We encourage parents to talk to their doctor to try and make medicine administration times to be before and after school if possible. Students with any medical condition such as asthma, diabetes or allergies are required to provide the school with an up to date health care plan completed by their doctor. These plans need to be updated annually.

Children may contract a number of contagious diseases, infections and viruses during their school life. It is important that families advise the school if their child has a contagious disease so that the school community can be notified. Information regarding guidelines on how long children should remain away from school can be found via Health Direct or SA Health. The school office staff can also help.


Pooraka welcomes parent and community members to volunteer in classrooms and programs in the school. If you are interested in volunteering in our school, please contact our office staff to enquire about our next volunteer training session.

Volunteer Application Form


Families are required to send a note (a phone call or verbal explanation is also acceptable) to the class teacher stating the reason their child was absent or late. Families are required to sign their child in or out of school if leaving during the day. Students must have a letter of consent to leave the school grounds at any time. Teachers or the school counsellor will follow up any regular patterns of absence to support families and students in attending school.


Attendance – Adobe PDF

Grievances and Complaints
Behaviour Management

The school has a comprehensive behaviour management and bullying and harassment policies. Classes use a step/warning process and out of class time out system. There are slips  to notify parents and keep track of student behaviour. Our Code of Conduct has been developed to support students in monitoring their own behaviour.

Student Behaviour Management – Adobe PDF
Code of conduct – Adobe PDF
Bullying and Harassment Policy – Adobe PDF

School Fees/School Card Applications

The School Governing Council recommends teh Materials and Services Charges. This figure is communicated to families at the beginning of each year.

School Fees – Materials and Services Charge

Each year families have the opportunity to apply for support through the School Card Scheme.
School Card applications are made online. 

School Term Dates and Holidays

Department for Education dates for school terms.


School Term Dates

Up to date public holiday listings

SA Public Holidays


Pooraka Primary School is not zoned.

Pooraka Primary School is not zoned. Whilst many of our students come from the local Pooraka area, some do travel from other suburbs. As a Government school, we accept all enrolments if we have room to do so. When families make enrolment enquiries, we work with them to gather information to assist students with their learning. Students usually start school within a day or two. From 2014, all Receptions will start school on the first day of the year if their 5th birthday falls before 30th April.

If you are interested in making an enrolment enquiry, please download, fill in this form and return to our front office. Staff will arrange a meeting and school tour with our principal or deputy principal.

Preparing for School

We have included some of the information pamphlets from our enrolment pack here to provide more information.

Great Start is a South Australian website with educational activities for children under 5 that families can build into their everyday life. From short activities around the home to family outings, this resource has lots of things to try!

Visit Website: Great Start

The Learning Potential app provides information and activities tailored to your children and their stage of life. Information spans the early years through to high school.

Visit Website: Learning Potential

The South Australian Government website has some information for families to support them in Starting and Choosing a Primary School.

Visit Website: sa.gov.au